Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing up the hard way

This is to those of you who are probably still living at home and going to church where your parents tell you and probably wishing that they would give you more freedom. Well take it from me enjoy this time in your life where you don't have to make major decisions. I've lived on my own and I've taken on some of the responsibilities of an adult. I've decided for myself where I go to church and what I do and I've learned some lessons the hard way. For example if you talk to "elders" those who are older in the Lord they will tell you to take your time and really examine a church before you join. My dad even pointed out to me things to watch for in a "modern" church but I wouldn't listen. I've been in a church that had I listened to my dad the first time I would have seen early on that they were spiritually dead and now I'm in a similar position where had I took the time and went for more than a month I would have seen and realized that there was things at the church that I don't believe the Bible backs and that I can't ignore anymore. So now after having only been at this church for eight months I've left and have began attending another church and now I'm going to take my time even if I'm there for a year or more before I join then so be it. So take my advice don't rush into adulthood because growing up the hard way is no fun.

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